Annual Winter Symposium Leuven – Obstetric Anesthesia – February 2023
9 – 11 Februari 2023
On behalf of the scientific committee, we would like to welcome you to the 37th edition of our International Winter Symposium with focus on “Obstetric Anesthesia”.
Venue: Campus Gasthuisberg, O&N1, Herestraat 49, Leuven
The early registration statistics promise to make this meeting an extraordinary event, with a truly high level international program with luminaries and leaders in the field of Obstetric Anesthesia. We are very proud to announce that a vast number of internationally renowned specialists have confirmed their attendance and will deliver state of the art lectures on various aspects of Anesthesia for pregnant patients.
We are convinced that our program on Thursday, Friday and Saturday together with the walking dinner taking place on Thursday evening will generate a memorable medical education experience. There will be great opportunities to interact with some of the most prominent experts in the field of anesthesiology and foster long-lasting friendships and collaborations.
We look forward to seeing you in Leuven.
Yours Sincerely,
Chair of the Anesthesiology Department
Prof. Dr. Steffen Rex
The scientific committee
Prof. Dr. Marc Van de Velde, Dr. Sarah Devroe