BeSARPP | BeSARPP Graduation Day 2022

BeSARPP Graduation Day 2022


Dear Residents (Past, Current and Future)

You are really important for the future of our medical specialty in Belgium.

For this very reason, the BeSARPP (the society that promotes Anesthesiology as a medical science) organizes a yearly event dedicated to honor your enthusiasm and commitment before and during your residency: the ‘Graduation Meeting’.

During this ‘Graduation Meeting’, you will get the unique opportunity to share your scientific work (Masterworks, abstracts presented at international congresses, resident work) not only with your colleagues of other universities but also with the anesthesiologists from hospitals, your potential future employers.

On this occasion, a number of prizes will be awarded to the various competitors including the brave one who submitted case reports for the new electronic section of the Acta Anasthesiologica Belgica.

In 2022, the BeSARPP Graduation Day will be held on 18 June at UCLouvain.

Vera Saldien – BeSARPP President


Each participant is requested to pay €10,00 during the registration process. Payment is possible by bank transfer or credit card.
This serves as a guarantee of your presence.

This amount will be refunded in cash at the Graduation Day. If you do not attend the Graduation Day, no refund will be made.

Accreditation has been requested.


1. Deadline for submission of all types of work is March 31, 2022
2. All submitted works should be in English (American orthography and grammar)
3. All submitted works should conform to the following rules:

  • All submissions should be done with the agreement of all coauthors, and particularly with the agreement of the promotor/principal investigator of the submitted work.
  • BeSARPP requires adherence to the EQUATOR Network (see guidelines for the reporting of specific study types (e.g., the CONSORT guidelines for the reporting of randomized controlled trials, the STROBE for the reporting of cohort, case-cohort, nested case-control, case-control, or cross-sectional study, retrospective data collection observational studies, the TREND for non-randomized controlled trials).

A statement indicating the author has followed the appropriate EQUATOR guidelines must be included in the Methods section (Example: “This manuscript adheres to the applicable CONSORT guidelines.”).

  • When an abstract is accompanying a submitted work, it should follow the adequate template, and particular attention should be paid to fulfilling the below-listed requirements:

Authors names (the last name(s) and initials of first names), institutional affiliations, cities, and countries should be provided. The presenting author should make sure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and agree on its submission for presentation at the Graduation Day. By submitting this abstract, the first author certifies that all authors agree on its content and on its submission.

Each abstract should have a brief descriptive title of maximum 20 words, in addition to the full title.

Abstract length:
The abstract text should not exceed 400 words in one page (using a 12 points usual font), with rare exceptions granted by the reviewers. Title and authors are not included in the 400 words.

Recommended abstract sections:

– Objective: Concise and pertinent description of the study purpose.

– Background: The recommended structure for this section is background to the subject (what is known / unknown about it), hypothesis, aim of your study.

– Methods: The Methods section should give a clear but concise description of how the study was conducted and should include ethics approval (including number, date and administering institution), registration in a registry accessible to the public at no charge (including number and date) if applicable (for randomized clinical trials), patient population, inclusion/exclusion criteria, primary and secondary endpoints, recorded measurements and data, sample size calculation statement (if applicable), statistical analyses (name of the applied tests)

– Results: report in this section, primary outcomes with relevant statistics. SI units should be used. Means should be accompanied by SD between brackets; medians should be accompanied by 25-75th percentiles between brackets. Odds ratios (OR) should be accompanied by 95% confidence intervals (CI) between brackets. Negative index notations (e.g. mg kg-1) should be used rather than solidus notations (e.g. mg/kg). Exact P values should be included, unless the P value is <0.001.

Discussion and Conclusions:
State the main findings of the study contributing to knowledge. It may be appropriate to give the implications of the conclusions for anesthetic practice and the indications for further enquiry in this area of interest.

Declaration of interests:
Eventual potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed for those concerning the last 36 months before submission of the work.

It is essential to acknowledge all sources of financial assistance, and any potential material benefit expected from publication of the work. The sentence should begin: ‘This work was supported by …’

Max. 3 references (accepted also on a separate sheet). References must be numbered with Arabic numbers consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Format of references should follow the one of the Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica (available here).

Figures and tables:
One figure/table/photograph may be added to an abstract. A brief caption should accompany each illustration.

4. Rules for submission to the Best Master Work competition:

All anesthesia trainees or recently certified anesthesiologists (less than one year) are eligible to submit work for the Best Master Work competition if the President of the Manama (MC) of the University of origin or the promotor/principal investigator, allow presentation.

A letter co-signed by the candidate and the President of the Manama/or the promotor / principal investigator and certifying agreement must be sent to by March 31, 2022.

Along with the thesis itself, a 1 page summary of the thesis must be uploaded by March 31, 2022, using the adequate template, and the instructions provided above.

On the Graduation Day, candidates should present the summary of the masterwork (background, methodology, main results and conclusion) in 10 min followed by a 10 min discussion. This presentation will also be evaluated by the jury and will serve to establish a classification and decide on the winners. All presentations must be done in English.

The jury:
The jury is composed of maximum 5 consultant anesthesiologists of which one is BeSARPP board member, a minimum of 1 is academic anesthesiologist and a minimum of 1 is non-academic anesthesiologist.

The jury evaluates the master works according to a pre-established scoring table.:

Quality of the slides/5
Quality of oral presentation/5
Respect of time/5
Responses to questions/5
General knowledge of the work/5

Prizes: 2 prizes will be awarded during the closure address of the day

5. Rules for Best Abstract in an international congress

Open to all residents who have presented an abstract or have an abstract accepted during an International symposium (ESA, ASA, ASRA, ESRA, SFAR, …). The period considered is May 1st, 2021, till June 30th, 2022.

A given work can compete in one competition only (best master work or best abstract). Approval from all authors, and particularly from the promotor and/or principal investigator of the submitted work is to be obtained before candidacy to this competition. This acceptance should be clearly stated upon submission of the work to the BeSARPP, within the accompanying email.

If an abstract had been presented previously at a Graduation Day, this abstract is not eligible.

The abstract is eligible for the competition if one reprint from the abstract book of the congress where it was initially presented (poster or oral presentation) or proof of acceptance of the abstract is sent along with the name of the resident who will present it to by March 31, 2022. The abstract must be uploaded as well. Submitted abstracts should follow the same rules as described above .

Evaluation by the jury is based on the same criteria as for the Best Master Work competition quality.
Presentation at the Graduation Day:
Candidates should present their abstract in 10 min followed by a 5 min discussion. All presentations must be done in English.

The jury:
The jury is composed of maximum 5 consultant anesthesiologists of which one is BeSARPP board member, a minimum of 1 is academic anesthesiologist and a minimum of 1 is non-academic anesthesiologist. The jury evaluates the abstracts according to a pre-established scoring table, both upon first evaluation and during the oral presentation.

The jury evaluates the abstracts according to a pre-established scoring table.:

Presentation of the slides/5
Quality of oral presentation/5
Respect of time/5
Responses to questions/5
General knowledge of the work/5

Prizes: 2 will be awarded during the closure address of the day.

6. Rules for submitting an abstract to be presented at the Resident’s meeting of the Graduation Day

All trainees who want to present an abstract, which has not been presented elsewhere, can submit it to be presented at the Graduation Day. Each submitted abstract must follow the above-listed rules.

Abstracts will only be accepted through the official abstract submission platform. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that the provided information is complete and accurate.  Abstracts will be peer-reviewed. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all principles of good practice in research have been respected with regard to the submitted work, including compliance to ethics rules in human and animal research, and informed consent. Approval from all authors, and particularly from the promotor and/or Principal Investigator of the submitted work is to be obtained before submission. This acceptance should be clearly stated upon submission of the work to the BeSARPP, within the accompanying email.

Accepted abstracts will be confirmed by e-mail to the corresponding author at least one week before the Graduation Day. Please verify that your e-mail address (submitter and presenting author) is correct as it will be used for contacting you after the review process.

If accepted, the work should be presented at the Graduation Day by the candidate in 10 min followed by a 5 min discussion. All presentations must be done in English.

The jury:
The jury for abstract acceptance or rejection will be composed of at least 2 BeSARPP board members. An initial evaluation of the abstract below a score of 50% will prompt rejection of presentation at the Resident’s Meeting.

The jury evaluates the abstracts according to a pre-established scoring table.:

Relevance to the specialty and scientific merit/5
Difficulty Factor: 1: Case Report – with Narrative Review of the literature 1: Narrative Review of the literature 3: Systematic Review 5: Meta-analysis 5: Prospective Study  /5
Presentation of Results/5
Discussion & Conclusion/5

An initial evaluation of the abstract below a score of 50% will prompt rejection of presentation at the Resident’s Meeting.

Oral Presentation

Presentation of the slides/5
Quality of oral presentation/5
Respect of time/5
Responses to questions/5
General knowledge of the work/5


  • If the applicant does not adhere to the rules his/her work will not be considered
  • All Best Master Works and Abstracts MUST be uploaded through the official website. Submitted works by email will NOT be accepted.

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