Graduation day 2016
Dear Residents (Past, Current and Future)
You are really important for the future of our medical specialty in Belgium.
For this very reason, the BeSARPP (the society that promotes Anesthesiology as a medical science) organizes a yearly event dedicated to honor your enthusiasm and commitment before and during your residency: the ‘Graduation Meeting’.
During this ‘Graduation Meeting’, you will get the unique opportunity to share your scientific work (Masterworks, abstracts presented at international congresses, resident work) not only with your colleagues of other universities but also with the anesthesiologists from hospitals, your potential future employers.
On this occasion, a number of prizes will be awarded to the various competitors including the brave one who submitted case reports for the new electronic section of the Acta Anasthesiologica Belgica.
Practical professional information will be provided and the various societies aiming at promoting anesthesia in Belgium will be present.
Finally, a welcome ceremony for those of you who enter the real world of Anesthesiology either as a new resident or a graduate will conclude this day.
President – Marc De Kock
Vice-President – Luc Foubert
Secretary-General – Patrick Wouters
Deadline: 1 May 2016
1. Best Master Work:
Who is eligible? Under the impulsion of the President of the Manama (MC) of the University of origin or under the impulsion of the academic promoter, one candidate is eligible if
a- the master work is completed and has been presented during the Academic year 2014-15 or 2015-16
b- the master work is completed but not yet presented facing the Academic authorities of the University of origin
c- the master work is not yet completed but the material is already sufficient for a summary presentation
In summary: a candidate is allowed to compete if a letter co-signed by him and the President of the Manama/or the academic promoter stating a situation a-b-c arrive to the President of the Board and the General Secretary before 1 May
It is asked to the candidate to present the summary of the masterwork (background, methodology, main results and conclusion) in 10 min followed by 5 min discussion.
The jury:
It is composed of 5 members: 4 are masters of training (or they representatives) from non-academic hospitals, one is a member of the board of the BVAR not involved in the competition.
The jury evaluates the master works according to a pre-established scoring table.
Prizes: 3 given during the closure address of the day
2. Best Abstract in an international congress
Who is eligible: Open to all the residents who have presented an abstract during an International symposium (ASA, ASRA, ESRA, SFAR, …). The period considered is June 4 to June 5.
(Be careful; if part of a master work has been presented on an abstract from in an International congress and if this master work participates to the Master work competition, it is excluded form the best abstract competition).
The abstract is eligible for the competition if one reprint form the abstract book of the congress where it was initially presented (poster or oral presentation) is sent along with the name of the resident who will present it to the President of the board and to the general secretary before 1 May.
It is asked to the candidate to present the abstract in 10 min followed by 5 min discussion.
The jury:
It is composed of 5 members: 4 are masters of training (or they representatives) from non-academic hospitals, one is a member of the board of the BVAR not involved in the competition.
The jury evaluates the abstracts according to a pre-established scoring table.
Prizes: 3 given during the closure address of the day
3. Resident meeting
Same rules as before except:
The jury:
It is composed of 5 members: 4 are masters of training (or they representatives) from non-academic hospitals, one is a member of the board of the BVAR not involved in the
The jury evaluates the abstracts according to a pre-established scoring table.
Prizes: the acceptance of the abstract + presentation (quotation up to 10/20) is given during the closure address of the day
4. Best Score of the year
Based on a jury composed of readers (quotation system on the web site) under the direction of the general editor of the acta belgica
Prizes: 3 given during the closure address of the day
Participate to the best case report for the acta (score) contest.
Find more information here.
Information on the Research Award will be available soon.
Registration Fees:
All participants | € 10,00* |
*Each participant is requested to pay € 10,00 during the registration process. Payment is possible by bank transfer or credit card.
This serves as a guarantee of your presence.
This amount will be refunded in cash at the Graduation Day.